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5 Timeless Home Decor Trends

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Timeless designs are not pulled from trends. They are also not considered to be fussy or opulent; avant-garde, or ornate. In truth, designs that are timeless reject these types of trends. What you are looking for here is a design that is simple yet sophisticated, quiet and understated. Timeless designs are not bland or boring, however; they are extremely functional and can be both bright and subdued depending on the look you are going for. They fit in well to their environment and to the space that it surrounds.

You can incorporate other elements and blend them with this style to create a look in your home that is totally unique to you. For example, antique furniture can be placed against a wall that is neutral while also resting underneath a large contemporary or modern art piece and the room will look incredible. It is all about creating order, balance, and flow, keeping in mind that the true essence of a timeless design is functionality.

Before you start rearranging and painting, though, take some time to reflect on your family and how you enjoy your current lifestyle and any changes you would make. Browse through magazines that inspire you. Take out the ideas that resonate with you the most, and gather up things from around your home that make everyone feel good. Look closely at them to see the hues in color and perhaps gain an insight to the current mood in your home. This is the start of a living space that is very well planned.

Once you are ready to move forward, consider these top five trends in décor that are going to give you the timeless look you crave:

Minimalistic: Less is always more no matter what your design style is. Clear away the clutter from your tables and shelves. The less items you have scattered about overcrowding the space they occupy the better your living space will look. It will also reduce the amount of time you have to spend dusting. Make sure your furniture is in proportion to the room itself and that it doesn’t look over crowded; also be sure to give space between large pieces so that they don;t feel jammed together and awkward.

Color for Accenting: Every season and year,  popular color trends change. Your living space will always need color to make it stand out and really pop, but instead of investing orange-colored furniture or having all of your rooms painted in aquamarine, select throw pillows as accessories as well as art and vases in bold shades for accents. You can easily swap these items out seasonally, allowing the bones of your home (your sofa, your tables, your throw rugs) to take on new life every time you spice things up.

Furniture that is Functional: In a magazine, that chair with all the angles may look hot, but you shouldn’t buy furniture that isn’t comfortable to sit on. The same thing applies to tables made of glass if you have children, for example – because there might be too much risk for injury. It is important to buy items for décor that are meant for use and not just to be looked at. What you purchase should also be a good fit within the current style of your room. Do your best to think about what you will need from that space in the next 3-5 years, and then purchase furniture accordingly.

Comfort is a Priority: One of the most important factors to consider is the level of comfort that can be offered by the furniture you are purchasing. If you can’t sit back and relax and you end up having to replace a chair or couch – that is not timeless. You want your furniture to not only look good, but it should also feel good. Consider non-traditional finishes like wool or even velvet to add a touch of elegance to a tired couch or antique chair. Fabric textures are a great way to play with pattern and luxury while still bringing pieces into  your home that will last for a long time.

Choose Quality before Quantity: Even though you have shelves, they don’t have to overflow with every knick knack or picture that you own. In the same way, not all of your walls need to be drenched in photos, paintings, or mirrors. Select your accessories and art carefully. Instead of looking for the most unique high quality items and over-spending, dial it back and consider the best options for your budget and your style. Mirrors are always trendy, and simple, large framed photos never go out of style.

Designs that are timeless have real staying power. Avoid oversized furniture as well as those that are rigidly streamlined. Also stay away from busy patterns and shapes. In this instance less really is more, and – as mentioned above – opt for bold pieces that can easily be swapped out for something new for a quick facelift without having to completely redo your room decor from scratch every time you want a new look.