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Granite Countertops and Stains: Yes, You Can Stop Them

You know that your granite countertops were an investment into your home, and they can bring a lot of resale value and curb appeal in the future. However, you have to keep them looking their best. Stains are very common, especially in the kitchen, and though granite is unlikely to stain if maintained correctly, you still might want to have a few tips and tricks in mind if you need …Read More

Granite Remnant Repurposing: Don’t Take Your Leftover Material “For Granite”

The beauty of granite is that it can be used for many different reasons and in many different ways. You have probably realized this if you have or are considering, installing granite into your home. You might have even planned it all out to the very end, then you find yourself with leftover granite remnants. Now what? Don’t be so quick to toss the leftovers in the trash – allow …Read More

Why Granite is a Perfect Material for Your Fireplace Surround

Mount Rushmore is the world’s most ‘monumental’ piece of granite. This tribute to four American presidents required a process of drilling holes very close together into the mountainside to create a smooth surface. Visitors at the site were so taken by the chunks of rock removed by the process, they often asked how they could acquire a piece. These rocks were sold by the workers for more than they earned …Read More

Creating Mood with Your Granite Countertop

A granite countertop is a beautiful and a practical choice. It resists heat, chipping and staining, and maintains its beauty for a lifetime. This enduring quality makes time spent looking at granite slabs in their entirety worth it. Every granite slab is different from another and varies within itself. Choose a granite slab that appeals to you, but also consider the atmosphere you want your kitchen to exude. Pairing your …Read More

How Granite Enhances the Enjoyment of Home

Home should be your favorite place in the world. Whether you spend ten hours a day at an office, are constantly traveling for work or pleasure, or you spend the vast majority of time at home working or taking care of family, you should always feel your best when you walk through your own door. If your home has become outdated or if you simply need something fresh to make …Read More

Five Remodeling Projects to Make Your Home Spring Ready

Spring is finally just around the corner! When you get into your spring cleaning mode, it often leads to remodeling ideas around the house. There’s just something about opening up the windows and doors to let the sunshine and warm air in that causes spring remodeling fever. If you’ve caught the home updating bug, consider these five projects that can spruce up your home and make it ready to enjoy …Read More

Tips on Making Your Granite Installation Go Smoothly

Once you’ve decided to install granite countertops in your kitchen or bathroom, you’re probably eager to get the process started. However, there are a few things that need to be in place to make sure your installation goes smoothly. If granite is in your home’s near future, read on for tips on making the process as quick and easy as possible. Choose a Professional Installer Do you think you can …Read More

Is Granite Only for Countertop? New Ways to Utilize Granite in Your Home

When you hear about someone using granite in their home, the first thing you might think of is granite countertops. Yes, granite countertops are quite common in the home, but they are not the only method you have if you want to display this gorgeous stone. Here are some other ways that people use the beauty of granite to intensify the look of their homes: Granite Backsplash Similar to a …Read More

Granite Greatness: The Perks of Using Granite in the Bathroom

Granite is a popular material for use in the bathroom, but how do you know if it is the right fit for you and your family? If it is installed in your bathroom, and the time comes to sell your home, would granite be attractive to a new homebuyer? And for which areas of the home is granite a good fit? These are all questions to consider when making the …Read More

Using Granite in Historic Home Renovations

Have you recently purchased a historic home? Or have you owned a historic home for years, and are now ready to perform some renovations? Historic homes are usually those that are at least fifty years old and have some significance related to history, previous inhabitants, or distinct architecture styles. Many people gravitate toward these homes because they like nostalgia, or they enjoy the historic past of where they live. Unless …Read More