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Engineered Quartz vs. Solid Surface Countertops: Which is Best?

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For people renovating their homes, the kitchen tends to be the room that presents the most challenges. There are numerous questions you need to answer when tackling this type of redecoration or renovation job. Before you decide on flooring, or even your cabinets, you should take the time to think about what material you want to use for your countertops. Even if you invest in striking cabinetry or a beautiful floor, most people notice the countertop first, making it one of the most important parts of your renovation.

There are numerous materials available for this purpose. Two of the most popular choices are engineered quartz and solid surfaces. Even though both are top sellers, one material is a much better choice for homeowners who want their renovation to last, both aesthetically and practically speaking.

Resistance to Heat

Engineered quartz is perfect for homeowners who love to use their kitchens. It has a high level of heat resistance, meaning you can briefly set down your skillet or pot on the countertop without worrying about stains or lasting damage. Countertops made with engineered quartz are perfect for those who cook with a lot of grease or boiling water, too. The splash back that you experience does not ruin or stain quartz. Of course, you need to ensure you remove the grease once it has dried, but you do not need to worry about any damage the boiling hot liquid could have caused.

In contrast, solid surface countertops do not respond to heat well. In fact, even briefly setting down a pot that had been in or on the oven can result in hard-to-remove scorch marks. While you can either sand out these stains or have your counter re-polished, it is a huge inconvenience. Instead, if you do decide to get a solid surface countertop, you should always use protective pads on your counter.

Scratch Resistant

Obviously, you should not take a knife and deliberately try to scratch up your counter. However, engineered quartz countertops are very resistant to scratches. Homeowners that use and care for their counters properly may never see a single scratch in the lifetime of their counters. Even if you occasionally allow your knife to fall off the cutting board, you do not have to fret about significant damage to your counter.

Conversely, solid surface countertops are not scratch resistant at all. Letting your knife fall off a cutting board could result in permanent scratches to the counter. In turn, this could cause a ton of other issues. Scratches in the surface of your countertop can become havens for bacteria, creating an unsafe cooking situation in your kitchen. If you are the type of person who tends to scratch the surface of their countertops, even by accident, you should consider quartz.


Engineered quartz is a stunning material, designed to suit a variety of homes and decors. It is possible to find a countertop that flows well with the other surfaces of your home, while still retaining a rich-looking aesthetic. Solid surface counters can also be stunning in appearance, but only when they are made to resemble other materials. After the initial installation, wear and tear can reveal the true nature of the counter, ruining the aesthetic.

While solid surface countertops do have their place in some homes, individuals looking to add class and style to their kitchens should take the time to find an engineered quartz counter. These countertops are beautiful, durable, and are a great way to attract attention to your kitchen. Engineered quartz is also a great way to add value to your home if you do plan to eventually sell, while increasing your enjoyment of your home while you still live there.