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What Factors Affect the Cost of Granite Countertops?

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Granite is one of the most beloved materials in the world of home remodeling. It brings a sense of luxury to any home, and no matter where it is installed, it brings beauty that is unsurpassed by other materials. Granite will last a lifetime; it is breathtaking, and it complements any home décor thanks to the numerous colors and designs that are available. Each piece of granite is unique, which homeowners love. Installing granite into your home helps to raise the value, which also makes it a sound investment.

Because of these benefits, those who want to install granite into their home naturally think about the cost of such a project. Yes, it is true that granite can be expensive, but it does not have to be. Once you understand the factors that affect the cost of granite countertops, you will find that you can easily find granite to fit into your budget whether it is high or low. Here are some of the factors that can affect the cost of granite:

The Size of the Slab

One factor that affects the cost of granite is the size of the slab. As you might expect, the larger the slab, the more expensive it will be. So, it is best, and more affordable, to buy smaller pieces of granite, such as tile. However, the smaller the pieces, the more seams you will have. You see, each time a slab is placed against another slab, it creates a seam. A good installer can make the seam look virtually invisible. In some cases, such as the case of granite tile, the seam can even add a sense of design to the overall look. Some people, however, do not like seams, and they will choose to pay a bit more to avoid them.

In addition to the length of the granite, you will also find that the width of the granite can affect the price. Granite comes is widths ranging from ¾ inch (2 centimeters) to 1 ¼ inch (3 centimeters). Granite that is thicker is often more expensive simply because there is more material to work with. The thinner, more affordable granite is a possibility in the kitchen, but it is a better choice for the bathroom as conditions in the kitchen can be tough, and it is not as durable as the thicker granite.

The Color and Availability of Granite

Some granite colors are rare, such as blue and rose shades. These are more expensive than more common colors, such as beige, which is typically quite affordable. However, keep in mind that the color is not the only factor that goes into the cost of granite when it comes to the look; the design also factors into it. A beige piece with exotic veining or metallic flecks can be just as expensive as a blue piece of granite with little design.

The availability of granite also affects the price. This is a simple case of supply and demand, and it will affect how much the material costs.  Additionally, the distance between the warehouse and the quarry will have an effect. Granite from the United States is almost always more affordable than granite that is shipped from other locations, such as India or Brazil.

The Grade of the Granite

Finally, the grade of the granite will also affect the price, and as one would expect, the higher the grade, the higher the cost. Additionally, if you chose granite with a special treatment, such as stain resistance, this can add to the overall cost of the granite.

Other Factors That Factor Into the Cost of Granite

The more flexible you are with your granite choice, the more affordable this material can be. If you are set on a particular color, however, you should expand your budget. Things such as the edge profile will also affect the cost of the granite, so choosing a more intricate design will add to the final cost of the installation. Finally, the installation will come into play, and installation that is more difficult, such as a lot of corners, will add to the cost of your granite and installation.