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Updates You Need to Make Prior to Selling

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If you are about to sell your home, or at least considering the idea, the last thing on your mind is spending money to make some updates. As odd as it sounds – updating your home prior to selling should be your number one priority. Many people are not aware of the effect certain updates can have on the value of your home. In a difficult real estate market, you truly want your home to stand out, and to get as much money as you can when you sell. With that said, not all improvements will affect the value in a good way, and not all projects will be worth the time or financial investment. Take a look at these updates you should make prior to selling your home, as they definitely entice buyers and increase the value, essentially increasing your profit.

Kitchen Appliances

As tired as you are of looking at your dirty, dingy, outdated appliances, it is going to be one of the first things potential homebuyers look at. Even if your appliances are only about three years old, you should still consider making this change. Having updated appliances will definitely increase the likelihood that a buyer will be interested in your home. If you have the room in your wallet, opt for high-end appliances, such as stainless steel, or at least stainless look. This will help buyers look twice at your kitchen – and your home – when they make the decision to buy.

Kitchen Cabinetry

The heart of the home is the kitchen, so it is no surprise that updating kitchen cabinets can make a world of difference when it comes to the value and appeal of your home from a buyer’s perspective. If the cost of a complete cabinetry replacement is too much for your budget, there are a few options that will allow you to update without spend too much. If your cabinetry is real wood, consider sanding and painting the cabinetry to give it a more modern appeal. White is an excellent color choice. You want to also update both door and drawer hardware with more modern designs.

Granite Countertops

Luxury, beauty, durability, and longevity are all words that describe a kitchen that has granite countertops. In addition, upgrading your old, outdated granite countertops can increase the value of your home and make it more appealing to potential buyers. Granite is the most popularly chosen countertop material of homeowners worldwide, and is considered to be very high-end material. In many instances, real estate agents will advise you that granite countertops have a very high return on investment (ROI). This means that the money you put in will be made up for in the sale of the home, plus some. Take the time to hire a professional to transform your old countertops into stunning, high-end granite countertops. Your potential buyers – and you – will be glad you did.


Take a look around your home, particularly at what is beneath your feet. If your carpet is stained, outdated, worn, or you have low quality flooring, such as dated laminate, you might want to consider upgrading to help resell your home. Choose neutral color carpeting in bedrooms, but stick to more natural elements throughout the rest of the home. Hardwood floors, tile, and other natural stone elements are the best options. Again, you will be putting money out, but the return will be worth the temporary dent to your budget.

Check the Plumbing

No potential homebuyer wants to deal with a major plumbing overhaul the minute they move in. In addition, walking into an open house and seeing water damage, or leaky faucets could be the deciding – no – factor when it comes to choosing your home. Even if your home does not have any current leaky faucets, you may want to consider upgrading them to higher-end fixtures. This can add to the elegant appearance and make your home more appealing to potential buyers. Fortunately, just upgrading to newer faucets and fixtures is a relatively inexpensive upgrade.

Go Green

As you are considering making upgrades to your home prior to selling, think about going green. There are a variety of different options that can be relatively inexpensive, yet appeal to many potential buyers, increasing the value of your home. For instance, a tankless hot water heater, bamboo flooring, and energy-saving appliances are key items to think about.

There are several different changes you can make to your home that will help you sell quicker and for a lot more money than you originally thought. Yes, you will be spending money to start, but you will enjoy the reward you receive in the end. Even if you are not thinking about selling your home at the present time, consider some of these projects the next time your remodel different areas of your home, particularly your kitchen and bath.