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Tips For Introducing The Perfect Cut of Granite In Your Home

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When homeowners approach an update or remodel, they immediately consider using granite. Whether a person is well-versed in interior design, or he or she happens to be a novice, most people appreciate the dual value and style that are bound up with granite. What follows is a condensed guide on how to select the perfect cut of granite for your home. You will want to follow certain steps before frequenting the hardware store and selecting a cut that you find pleasing. After all, you will want your granite selection to enhance the overall design of your space. Here are some tips for achieving this in your home:

Do a Walkthrough Of Your Space

Interior designers are huge advocates of the purposeful walk-through. You are likely puzzled about what this means. In short, this means walking through the room or rooms you are about to remodel. Bring a pen and paper with you, and jot down all of the current elements you like, as well as those that have seen better days.

As you compile your list of likes and dislikes, you become better able to sketch out the type of design you are after. This sketching of your desired look will largely dictate how you will integrate granite in your room. After all, you might use this material as either a flooring or a countertop material, and a host of other options exist as well.

Gather Inspiration From Various Sources

While a walkthrough can help you develop a general sense of how to introduce granite in your home, you may need some more concrete guidance. Interior designers point you in the direction of the Internet. A simple Internet search will point you towards a wealth of images. The benefit of these images is that they present granite being used in context. You may discover that you enjoy the rich color of a granite mantel, as used in a traditional living room. Alternatively, you may appreciate the way monochromatic granite is used as a flooring material in contemporary bathrooms.

Anytime you come across a photo that you like, flag it. After you are through with your initial research, compile your top five photos and note what they have in common. Analyze if these uses of granite make sense within the particular space you are remodeling. If not, you may have to appreciate these uses of granite from afar.

Shop With a Plan

Now that you have developed a sense of what kinds of granite you like, and how you would like to introduce this material, you can move towards purchasing the perfect cut for your home. It is wise to shop for this material with a list in hand. Keep in mind that you are pairing your granite with a collection of other updates. If you have opted for a contemporary kitchen remodel, you will want your granite to match the rest of the updated features in your space. With this in mind, glass pendant lights and stainless steel appliances will work best with glossy granite in a neutral color. Alternatively, you may have decided to introduce granite in the form of a mantelpiece in your traditional living space. If so, you will want to select a cut of granite in an earthy tone that will match both the color and the tone of your leather furniture.

Enlist The Help of A Professional

Once you have selected the best cut of granite for your space, you will want to enlist the help of a professional to help you with installation. There are many things that you, as a homeowner, can handle yourself when it comes to the remodel. But, installing granite features is not one of them. Interior designers suggest enlisting the help of a general contractor for multiple reasons. First, granite is a luxury material that you will want to install with the utmost care. If you are using granite for the façade of your mantel, for example, you will need a general contractor to help you secure this material to the wall. A general contractor will also make sure that this luxury finish is installed without causing damage to any of the other features in your space.

If you are hoping to use granite in a remodel, this is a wise choice. With that said, you will want to pursue this course of action in a principled fashion. You might begin by analyzing your own space and pondering both where and how granite would work best. Next, you can pull inspiration from interior design blogs and magazines. Having a wealth of visual inspiration is helpful when designing your own space. Next, shop with the information you have gathered at hand. Lastly, be sure to have a professional help you with the installation.