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Unique Ways to Use Granite in your Backyard

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As soon as spring hits and the weather is warm enough, many people like to move their family activities outdoors, which is why homeowners are investing more money in backyard upgrades. A beautiful and functional backyard space is not only pleasing to the eye, but it can also be a technology-free way to bond with your family. Your outdoor environment can set the stage for a place to host neighborhood parties and spend quality time with the people who matter the most. Unfortunately, after a long winter of neglecting your yard, it may need a serious makeover before it is party ready. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a durable, long-lasting, solution that would leave your backyard looking beautiful year-round? Luckily, there is. You can add granite throughout your outdoor spaces to accent the area and make it truly unique. Follow along here to see how:

Garden Fountains

The serenity of a water fountain is the perfect accompaniment to a backyard garden and can transform your backyard into a soothing oasis. Everyone enjoys the sound of a water fountain, but the movement of water over a natural stone like granite creates a calming effect that people are drawn to. Granite garden fountains will not only transform the look of your yard, they will withstand weather conditions and are water resistant. You can also use granite pavers around any existing fountains.

Pool Decks

The area around your swimming pool is the most important part of the pool. It is where everyone will gather, and it is the focal point of your pools design. Granite is an ideal option for your pool deck because it is durable, low maintenance, and water proof. Also, homeowners are offered a variety of colors and patterns to create an elegant and sophisticated pool design that fits within any backyard motif.

Paving Stones

Do you have a beautiful outdoor garden? Maybe you have an outdoor food preparation area that needs a walkway. Natural granite pavers are the perfect modern and classic addition to your outdoor areas that need a little something extra. Granite pavers are popular among homeowners who want a timeless, durable, and beautiful yard addition. These sturdy and classic paving stones come in a variety of colors including pink, yellow, white, gray, and black. Additionally, you can choose from polished, thermal, honed, and a variety of other finishes depending on your tastes. Granite paving stones are used by homeowners, contractors, and landscapers to create patios, pathways, gardens, sidewalks, and driveways.

Granite Remnants

Although granite is beautiful in your kitchen, bathroom, and on your floors, you are not limited to using it in large slabs. After you have utilized one smooth, seamless piece of granite on the inside of your home, you can take the leftover pieces and incorporate them into your backyard. Once the leftover pieces have been cut into rectangular or square pieces, there are a variety of things you can use them for. You can create a mosaic pathway, a garden bench, or even make a cutting board for your outdoor food area. The only limitation to this would be your imagination.

As you prepare to head outside with your family for the warmer spring and summer months, you want to ensure that your yard is in tip top shape. Adding granite in your outdoor spaces will make sure that your backyard is both beautiful and functional. Granite has been a favorite among homeowners for many years for its durability, versatility, and classic sophistication. Although granite makes an ideal choice for your kitchen, bathroom, and other interior spaces, it is not limiting. When it comes to upgrading your backyard space, consider incorporating granite into your plans.