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Make a Wise Investment with Granite Countertops

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Elegant, unique and durable. These characteristics make granite an ideal and highly admired material for home design in many rooms, but especially the kitchen. Granite countertops have been the number one choice for remodels for decades and are considered one of the wisest investments a homeowner can make. When it comes to valuing your home, the kitchen is one of the most highly considered rooms in deciding the worth of a home. The materials and design elements you choose for the kitchen will make a difference in changing your resale value as well as getting a return on your investment for any remodel projects you perform on them. One of the best materials to use to invest in the kitchen and see a return on your investment is granite. The benefits of having granite is that it last for a very long time, it is very durable, it is very difficult to stain, and you can clean it very easily.


Some of the main reasons why granite is so popular is because of the ease of cleaning, the heat resistant quality, and the resistance to damage and imperfections. Granite is a very clean countertop to have because the natural stone actually fights against bacteria, repelling them from the surface. It is almost impossible to scratch, chip or dent granite because it is one of the hardest stones you can find in your home. Granite also has a wide variety of colors and patterns that you can choose from. Whatever color you are looking for, granite will have the design you need. Granite is also very beautiful with the right lighting and the proper care for the material. The shine of granite and the details in the design adds that little touch to finish off your kitchen design

Coloring and Veining

Choosing the coloring and veining of your granite countertop should take a good deal of time and consideration. Upgrading countertops is an investment that many future homeowners will not want to deal with, so you want to make a sound decision that fits your taste, complements your kitchen and home design, and can be easy to resale in the future. The granite coloring and veining can provide a nice and necessary contrast in your kitchen design. For example, if you have white cabinets then choose a darker granite with veins of white running through the stone. This will help your granite stand out to give your kitchen design a final pop. Lighter granite countertops also have the benefit of choosing a dramatic veining that ties together your overall kitchen design, providing a welcoming feeling. Granite gives your countertops the opportunity to be the centerpiece of your kitchen design, making it elegant and eye-catching, as long as it follows this criteria.

Longevity and Durability

Granite countertops are definitely worth the investment in your kitchen design because of the beauty of the design, the ease of cleaning, and the durability the stone offers. Installing granite countertops will increase the value of your entire home because of the weight of the stone, the beauty in the colors and veining, and the difficulty of the stone to scratch or stain. Granite countertops are known for being heat resistant as well, an appealing feature because homeowners can put hot pots and dishes directly on the countertop surface without creating heat stains.

Affordability for Benefits

Don’t throw out granite from your options right away just because you think it is too expensive. Granite is an investment in your home design that you absolutely will see a return on, especially if you avoid choosing a more unique coloring that could put off some homebuyers. If you need to cut corners in your home design, slashing the countertops is the wrong option. The colors you choose and the finish you apply can save you dollars, but your kitchen remodel investment should absolutely go to granite. Homebuyers will not want to upgrade countertops and granite is a popular and appealing design feature.