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What Makes Polished Granite Countertop a Popular Choice?

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Granite countertops are an incredibly popular choice for kitchen design and for good reason. There are numerous benefits in the property of the stone as well as a beautiful design aesthetic that can fit in with so many different styles of kitchens. Part of deciding on the details of granite countertops is the finish and by far the polished granite countertop is the best finish to highlight the beauty of the stone. A polished finish for your granite countertops provides your kitchen a dramatic appeal that truly makes your kitchen shine with unique artistry.

What is a polished granite finish?

There are three main kinds of finishes to choose from with granite countertops – polished, honed, and leather-look. Honed finishes are used more for high water and traffic areas, such as bathroom countertops and flooring. Leather look is a middle ground option between honed and polished finishes and is great for very specific types of kitchen designs. Polished is the most popular finish type because it appeals to all types of kitchen designs. The polished finish makes the surface of granite very shiny and reflective, allowing the light to reflect off the surface to make your kitchen look larger. The polish helps bring out the details in the coloring and veining because of this shine and reflection.

What are the benefits of polished granite?

Besides the beauty of a polished finish, there are many practical benefits to applying this finish to your granite countertops. A polish will extend the longevity of your countertops even more so than the granite stone naturally does. The finish undergoes a sealing process to eliminate the small pores of the granite from being exposed to moisture. This prevents moisture from expanding the stone and causing imperfections in the seaming and surface over time. After the sealing step in the finish, the polish is meticulously applied to the surface of the granite, buffing the shine to perfection so it lasts for many years.

How does a polished finish make granite more beautiful?

The meticulous finish process we mentioned before is part of what makes a polished finish bring out the natural beauty in the stone. Buffing the stone removes layers of fade and imperfection to get down to the minerals and veining directly on the surface of the stone. This allows these details in the coloring, pattern, crystal, and natural effect the stone has allowing it to truly shine.

The importance of allowing the polish finish to do the work for your in highlighting the beauty of your kitchen design rests in the careful selection of the slabs. Never rely on the granite you see in the showrooms when making your selection – you want to go to the warehouse and choose specific slabs. Work with your contractor to figure out where seams will come together and where edges will occur so you know where to start and stop with the selection of your slab design. Look for slabs that have rich colors and varying swirls and veins. Remember when selecting these slabs that the polish will make the stone more bright and the details more apparent, so if you are looking at a slab that seems too vibrant in its natural state, it will become even brighter after the polish is applied.  

What other design features can highlight the polished granite countertop?

Having the right lighting in your kitchen will help bring out the shine of your finish and the details of your granite. Choose under cabinet lighting so every part of the polished granite is highlighted, allowing the details to brighten even the darkest corners of your kitchen. Choose an overhead lighting that allows you to perform task work in your kitchen but that is not too bright that washes out the details of the granite because there is too much reflection. The lighting will help make your polished granite aesthetic go further.